
Birria Egg Rolls



Preheat oven to 325
In a large heavy bottom pot over medium heat, add the pepper pieces and cook about 3 minutes until they slightly change color. Beware, this step will always make the kitchen a little hard to breath in! Add the chiles to the hot water and allow them to steep while you continue the next steps.
Add some oil to the same pan and add in the meat. Sear to brown on all sides. Remove the meat from the pan and add them to a baking dish.
Add the onion to the pan the meat was cooked in and saute for about 5 minutes. Scrape the bottom of the pan to make sure all the brown from the meat is incorporated. The onions will start to brown on the edges if you keep the pan on high heat. Add in the garlic and cook 2 minutes. Add in the tomatoes and cook another 5 minutes.
Add in the pepper, both oreganos, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, clove, bay leaf, and vinegar. Pour the chiles and chile water in as well. Stir to combine and scrape the bottom of the pan again to make sure everything is incorporated into this delicious liquid. Bring to a strong simmer and reduce the heat to low. Simmer about a half hour.
Pour the mixture into a blender, or you can use a hand blender right in the pot. Blend until smooth. Strain this mixture through a mesh strainer to remove any grittiness and pour it over the meat. Add in the stock and stir to combine. Cover and put in the oven. Bake about 3 hours until the meat is falling apart.
Remove the chunks of meat from the pot and mash them up to shred. The meat mixture should be fairly dry with a decent amount of liquid left in the pan. Allow to cool.
Follow package instructions on the spring rolls for thawing and holding. Put a spring roll wrapper onto your work surface. Add some cheese and meat. Make sure not to overfill! Roll it up like a thick cigar and brush on a little water on the last corner to help seal. Continue until you have made as many as you want.
Preheat oil to 350. Fry the spring rolls for about 2 minutes until crispy and a few shades darker on all sides.
Pour some of the birra broth into a bowl and top with diced onion and cilantro. Serve the spring rolls with the sauce for dipping.
Enjoy !!